MITSUBACHI - The Ministry of Health to tighten the supervision of the health of pilgrims. Director General of Disease Control Direct (PPML) Ministry of Health, Sigit Priohutomo, said every pilgrim group was accompanied by health workers from the Ministry of Health.
"We provide medical assistance to any group of pilgrims," said Sigit Priohutomo told Reuters on Tuesday (25/8).
Every health worker at the pilgrimage group, said Sigit, will provide direction to maintain health and avoid Mers Cov. Even officers will routinely check the health of pilgrims (calhaj). Examination done so calhaj free of virus mers derived from young camel.
Not enough with that, after performing Hajj, before boarding the plane, the health of the pilgrims will be examined. Likewise, when boarding a plane that will go to Indonesia.
The pilgrims will be sprayed with a neutralizing liquid. The liquid is prepared in a special plane for the disaster-stricken country that infectious virus.
No half-hearted, said Sigit, after getting the spray, pilgrims re-examined. He said if the two passengers in the front and two at the rear suspected virus infected Mers, they immediately quarantined in Saudi Arabia.
They are quarantined for 21 days until the virus is completely gone. "If there is a high-temperature two in front and two behind, we will quarantine them for 21 days," said Sigit explained.
"We provide medical assistance to any group of pilgrims," said Sigit Priohutomo told Reuters on Tuesday (25/8).
Every health worker at the pilgrimage group, said Sigit, will provide direction to maintain health and avoid Mers Cov. Even officers will routinely check the health of pilgrims (calhaj). Examination done so calhaj free of virus mers derived from young camel.
Not enough with that, after performing Hajj, before boarding the plane, the health of the pilgrims will be examined. Likewise, when boarding a plane that will go to Indonesia.
The pilgrims will be sprayed with a neutralizing liquid. The liquid is prepared in a special plane for the disaster-stricken country that infectious virus.
No half-hearted, said Sigit, after getting the spray, pilgrims re-examined. He said if the two passengers in the front and two at the rear suspected virus infected Mers, they immediately quarantined in Saudi Arabia.
They are quarantined for 21 days until the virus is completely gone. "If there is a high-temperature two in front and two behind, we will quarantine them for 21 days," said Sigit explained.
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